


的 Grant Office provides pre-award support and services to faculty, staff, and administration for federal, state, corporate, and private 奖助金 submitted on behalf of Vincennes 大学. 职责包括:

  • 寻找融资机会
  • 撰写策略性补助金
  • 研究
  • 预算发展
  • 格式、布局和设计
  • 在线提交联邦,州,公司和私人赠款
  • 检讨合规性奖励
  • 持续的项目支持
  • 授权签名
  • 内部覆检委员会
  • 院校资助档案

的 Grant Office is located in Room 125 of the Welsh 政府 Building on the 文森地区校园. 资助办事处的办公时间为星期一至五上午8时至下午4时30分(美国东部时间)。.



的 Grant Office provides pre-award support and services to the faculty and administration by assisting with writing, preparing, researching, designing, and submitting 奖助金. 教师 and staff members who wish to prepare an approved grant (for federal, state, 公司或私人来源)必须首先通知资助办公室. 这个通知 will 1) prevent and eliminate any conflicts of submission that may occur, 2) prepare the Grant Office for a future electronic submission, 3) alert the Internal Review Board (IRB) to the potential of research being conducted, 4) prepare staff for the submission of 澳门足球博彩官方网址’s institutional Routing Form, and 5) provide the required budgetary 横幅访问所需的信息. 助学金办公室被授权签署批准 授予提交代表似曾相识. 奖助金办公室将所有机构奖助金存档 提交. 由于包含专有和/或机密信息,这些 records are not made public, but are retained for Federal and State audits and financial 跟踪.   

In the preparation and submission of proposals, the following provisions shall apply:

  1. 申请意向必须通知助学金办公室.
  2.  的 proposal must conform with the policies of the Board of Trustees and the 大学 政府.
  3.  的 project manager is responsible for reading and understanding the guidelines of 拨款申请.
  4. 必须将内部路由表提交给资助办公室.  这个表格总结了 pertinent programmatic and fiscal information from the proposal and provides signature 相应的学院院长和副校长.
  5. Legal review, when requested by the sponsoring agency, will be performed by the 大学 法律顾问.
  6. Transmission of all proposals and acceptance of all awards from any sponsoring agency must go through the Grant Office which serves as the Authorized Organizational Representative.


所有拨款预算必须与似曾相识的高级会计师协调制定.  Budgets should comply with the financial guidelines found in the Solicitation for 拨款申请(SGA).


All grant proposals must be evaluated to determine if an indirect cost rate or administrative 费用应列入预算并记入奖助金. 以确定是否设施 and administrative rate (indirect cost rate) should be charged first read the Solicitation 授予奖助金,或适用的授予前文件,以确定是否间接成本 是否允许,是否有任何限制说明.

如果允许采用间接或行政费率,则应按 approved indirect cost rate established with the Department of 健康 and Human Services.

查看文森斯大学的当前 间接成本率.

与奖助金办公室协商,以确保由奖助金所资助的计画将 做一个校内项目. 在某些情况下,该计划将被归类为一个关闭 校园计划,这意味着校外间接成本率将适用.

Once the appropriate rate has been determined, this rate should be applied consistently 在整个资助期限内.  


它是 the policy of the 大学 to generally cost share only the dollar value of 在项目期间贡献人力时间. 然而,在某些时候,和 with permission of the Vice President for Financial Services and Government Relations, the 大学 may cost share or match other costs as long as the costs are not included 在大学的协商间接成本率. 当这种情况发生时,它是 responsibility of the Accounting Department to maintain records of actual cost sharing 支出. 

In cases where a particular funder restricts the recovery of indirect costs by the 大学, the unrecovered portion of those costs may be shown in the project budget 成本分摊.  


  1. 确定资金来源和机会. 
  2. 通知资助办公室申请意向.
  3. 制定预算草案.
  4. 提交完成 路由表格 拨款办公室的预算.
  5. Write proposal and submit an approved final copy electronically to the Grant Office.
  6. 拨款办公室代表机构以电子方式提交拨款. 通知 Grant Office of any online submission at least five business days prior to grant closing 日期.
  7. Submit final project in electronic form to the Grant Office for permanent archival.


When a funding source awards 澳门足球博彩官方网址 a grant, official notification is usually made via phone, letter, or electronically to the President’s Office, the Grant Office, or the 项目总监. 将收到一份奖励文件,这将需要彻底 review, negotiation, and signature (signed by the President or Authorized Organizational 代表),然后返回. 澳门足球博彩官方网址最终将收到一个完全执行 授予合同,该合同将约束机构遵守商定的条款.


所有奖项通知及已签署的副本将保存于资助办事处. 它是 the responsibility of the 项目总监 to forward a copy of the contract, budget (由院长签署),以及发给预算办公室的获奖通知信. 预算 and Accounting Offices will then establish a unique Banner account for each contract using a specific FUND number, ORGANIZATION code, ACCOUNT category, and PROGRAM code (FOAP). 项目主管将被通知适当的规范,并将 预计将参加有效管理方面的班纳培训课程.


的 President, Vice Presidents, and Grant Office (on behalf of the administration) have signatory authority for all continuing contracts and 奖助金 including amendments, 重新协商预算和年度预算请求. 所有完整执行的文件, including amended contracts and awards, annual reports, final reports and close-out 文件应送交资助办事处存档.


收到奖励的通知后,澳门足球博彩官方网址发布澳门足球博彩官方网址稿通知 澳门足球博彩官方网址社区的项目. 澳门足球博彩官方网址稿由媒体关系总监撰写 或资助办公室,并最终由媒体关系传播. 委托人可能 place restrictions upon information made available in press releases; thus, it is the responsibility of the 项目总监 to notify the Grant Office of any restriction 这可能会危及授予人与被授予人之间的关系.


文森斯大学目前订阅 奖助金ELECT,可向资助办事处索取.

    GrantSelect™ is a powerful online database which lists nearly 10,000 grant programs 来自4000多家赞助商. 直接的搜索工具和干净的界面使 GrantSelect the preferred tool among researchers as well as nonprofit directors, development 官员、小企业主、学生和教育工作者. 
  • HTTP://WWW.奖助金.GOV /
    文森斯大学使用助学金.以电子方式查找和申请联邦 奖助金. 奖助金.作为一个名为“电子资助计划”的政府资源, part of the President's 2002 Fiscal Year Management Agenda to improve government services 对公众. 今天,授予.Gov是一个中央信息库,拥有超过1000个网站的信息 26个联邦拨款机构的拨款项目. 
    CFDA provides a full listing of all Federal programs available to State and local governments (including the District of Columbia); federally-recognized Indian tribal governments; Territories (and possessions) of the United States; domestic public, quasi-public, and private profit and nonprofit organizations and institutions; specialized groups; and individuals.
    的 Foundation Center is the most authoritative source of information on private philanthropy 在美国. 该中心帮助资助申请者、资助人、研究人员、政策制定者, 媒体和公众对慈善领域有了更好的了解.  的 web site is designed to quickly guide you to the information you are looking for—instruction on funding research, help with proposal writing, tools for locating prospective funders, 以及该领域的澳门足球博彩官方网址和研究.
